All Beaux, Cecilia 's Paintings
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10728 Dorothea and Francesca  Dorothea and Francesca   1898, oil on canvas, The Art Institute of Chicago
10727 New England Woman  New England Woman   1895, oil on canvas, Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts.

Beaux, Cecilia
Studied under Bouguereau and Tony Robert-Fleury. Specializes in Portraits. American Painter, 1855-1942. American painter. She began her career painting on porcelain and producing lithographs and portrait drawings. She studied with Catharine Ann Drinker (1871), Francis Adolf van der Wielen (1872-3) and Camille Piton (1879), at the Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts in Philadelphia (1877-8), and privately with William Sartain (1881-3). Under Sartain's guidance, she learnt to paint, producing her first major portrait, the Last Days of Infancy

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