All John Durand 's Paintings
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67715 RapaljeChildren  RapaljeChildren   Author John Durand
31910 Settling the Bill  Settling the Bill   mk77 1852 Oil on wood 19 1/2x24in
31909 The Rapalje Children  The Rapalje Children   mk77 c.1768 Oil on canvas 50 3/4x40in

John Durand
American. active1766-1782 A signed portrait (priv. col.) dated 1765 provides the first documentary information on him. He advertised in the New York Journal on 26 November 1767 that he had opened a drawing school, and again on 7 April 1768, announcing his availability as a history painter, though no examples of this activity survive. Like other painters in the colonies, he made his living from portrait painting. His most noted work, the Rapalije Children (1768; New York, NY Hist. Soc.), demonstrates the strong decorative sense, the delicate use of colour and the attempts at sophisticated value and texture application that characterize all his paintings. His skill as a draughtsman is evident in the carefully described details. Here, as in other works, he used a dark outline to define one plane from another, and he imparted a sense of elegance, particularly in the slightly turned heads and animated arms and hands.

China Oil Painting Studio Team